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We Want to Hear from You


Submit Your Video in 3 Easy Steps

 1    Think of What You’d Like to Say

There’s no need to memorize a script! We want your natural, charismatic self to shine through. We recommend thinking of one or two points and rehearsing a few times out loud. Not sure what to say? You could share your favorite project, which videos you love, a recipe you tried recently, which project you want to try next, or anything else you love about Craftsy!

  2    Record Using Your Phone or Other Camera

It’s as easy as opening the camera app on your phone and hitting that record button! First, choose a quiet, well-lit location, such as near a window with natural light. Then, clear away any unwanted clutter around you or in the background, and record a simple, 15- to 20-second clip telling us how Craftsy inspires you. Oh, and don’t forget to smile!

  3    Submit from Your Phone or Computer

Submitting your testimonial is easy! Just click the button below and upload your clip—it’s that simple! In just a few minutes, your testimonial will be on its way to our editors. We’ll review each submission and let you know if you have been selected to appear as a featured member in one of our videos.

Submit a video testimonial for a chance to be featured in one of our promotions!


Want to see yourself in one of our videos? We want to hear from YOU to know what you love about Craftsy! Share a quick clip telling us your thoughts and you could receive a member spotlight in one of our next promotional videos. Submitting is easy! Just send us a 15-second video of yourself talking about how Craftsy inspires you. 

Learn how below!

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Think of What You’d Like to Say

There’s no need to memorize a script! We want your natural, charismatic self to shine through. We recommend thinking of one or two points and rehearsing a few times out loud. Not sure what to say? You could share your favorite project, which videos you love, a recipe you tried recently, which project you want to try next, or anything else you love about Craftsy!


Record Using Your Phone or Other Camera

It’s as easy as opening the camera app on your phone and hitting that record button! First, choose a quiet, well-lit location, such as near a window with natural light. Then, clear away any unwanted clutter around you or in the background, and record a simple, 15- to 20-second clip telling us how Craftsy inspires you. Oh, and don’t forget to smile!


Submit from Your Phone or Computer

Submitting your testimonial is easy! Just click the button below and upload your clip—it’s that simple! In just a few minutes, your testimonial will be on its way to our editors. We’ll review each submission and let you know if you have been selected to appear as a featured member in one of our videos.